With James' mom and dad.

Lil'James (was our ring bearer) with Wendy.

Aunt Tiffany and Wendy stealing some laughter before the wedding.

Our little girl, a FLOWER GIRL!

Mary Kay time. Tiffany and I got the works and bought the cosmetics too. Good time.

Tiffany with her matron of honor.

Getting nails done.

The groom is on the left.
It was a fantastic wedding weekend. The weather was Heaven and thank goodness, because the reception was outside. Tiffany (James' sister) was a stunning bride, and she and Chris are soo happy to be wed. Wendy did manage to walk down, but she became sick the night before and is STILL sick. We flew home 2 days ago (yes, she got sick on me on the plane like she did flying home in December), and we took her in to see the doctor last night. Might be RotaVirus. So, we're staying in and I'm taking care of my baby.