I have a lot of catching up to do on this blog. I'll journal first. Prior to flying out to Texas, to see our family and friends, we did a couple of fun things. We took Wendy to Ava's birthday party, and James and I celebrated his birthday with a date followed by surprise cake and icecream at our babysitter's family's house! Also, James participated in Hoops by the River, a basketball tournament fund raiser for at risk kids. I took a funny pic of Wendy there on the ground, looking homeless and absolutely pitiful. We just returned from our trip, and while there, my kidney infection raised its ugly head again. I got sick on the second flight to San Antonio. James was on a different plane. Wendy asked me, "Mommy, what are you doing?" to which a kind woman replied, "Your mommy is getting sick but she's going to be okay in just a minute!" Then Wendy began imitating me. It was aweful. I rallied and had a great time the first couple of days but then just declined. James had to fly back here for work. On the 5th day, my folks picked us up in Columbus and that night, I was admitted to the hospital with a fever over 102, plummeting blood pressure and pain like you would not believe. The next 4 days in the hospital were terrifying for me. They kept checking on Lincoln throughout the days and nights and I had become aware by then that pyelonephritis can end a pregnancy. I prayed to my Lord without ceasing. I could not keep food or water down, but I just clinged to the hope that the fluids and vitamin bag would sustain him. Praise God, they did! Soon after I was discharged, I was surprised by the bestest friends and family (my sister n' law, Stephanie, Katie and Julie!) in the world with a shower for Lincoln!!! It was fabulous! And I got to spend time with good friends, Julie and Katie. Katie did my maternity portraits and portraits of Wendy in the butterfly garden (Katie's sending me the pics and then I'll post them!), and on the last evening, we threw Wendy a mini party. Upon returning, I was thrilled to see that James had made us a sort of patio out of pavers, and he did a fantastic job! Today, the 5th, we had Wendy's big birthday party at the carousel and train party room at the mall. So now here are the pictures...
Wendy giving Ava her gift...

James getting the birthday boy special!

Our homeless daughter...

Grandma made Aunt Tiffany's old room into Wendy's new room!

With Grandpa...

The Baby Boy Train!
Tea Party!

Feeding the cows...

Aren't I lovely in my new tiara?

Kissing "Uncle Cousin Tony."

With Nicole and Yankton!
At the Church Festival!

"Isn't my grandma pretty?"

On my death bed...

I was so sick, I shrunk.

"Lincoln James"

These two are obviously out of sequence. We did this last!

Our first guest!

"I get to sit next to Drew!"

True friendship!

James with Anna and Wendy.

Ari and her mom.

Nate with his girls. He's also got a son to be born next month.

Lilly, Ben and Jack!

The girls got wings and the boys got army helmets!

Adelai, Anna, Wendy, Ari, Ava and Brielle (crying, poor baby).

The spread...We also served pizzas--we've got a lot left over. Wanna come over?

Our patio! James wows me!