Stephanie glowed. Third bambino is ripening in her belly as I type! This will be their token man-child!
Restaurants like this one are known for great steaks among other things. I'm so glad I'm carnivorous!
At home, my mom gave Linc a bath in the kitchen sink. This is a tradition in her home...and perhaps a little bit "southern."
Of course, Linc loves it every bit as much as all the other kids love it!
We enjoyed a couple meals at University Place, too, home of my grandmother. Here is Lincoln with my cousin, Victor. Lemme tell y'all somethin'. When my brother and I were young, we were PICKY! Then, I recall a short period of time in which my cousins, Devon, Wesley and Victor, were themselves, picky. They are no longer picky at all. Well, now Wendy is the picky eater. And it's a battle to get her to eat anything healthy if it's not fruit! The great thing about babies, like our little Lincster, is that they aren't picky yet. NOT YET! Oh, please, please don't become a picky eater, Linc! Okay?!
As HOT as it is right now down here in Texas, sometimes we just have to throw on the suits, grab water guns or fill the ole pool and splash our way to comfort. Of course, Wendy had to have one of her beloved Zhu Zhu's out there to "watch her" play!
I took this series of playful shots on my dad's "nap couch." Linc was just pure sweetness. Giggles spewed out of him like green pepper jelly from a soft, gooey, Texas roll!
I truly love the one below....
Lincoln and Winston.
My nearly four-year-old daughter! AH! Look how long she is! Look how mature she looks! I don't recall giving her permission to grow up so quickly! Wah!
It really gets me when I go shopping for her, or my mom in this case, and we find that the clothes in her size match the styles WE WEAR! WHAT?! These safari capris, come on now, for my baby?! Well, they sure look cute on her. I'm okay with it. I just sometimes look back on the days of bubble suits and elastic waistbands stretched over puffy diaper bottoms. Sob.
Note the Texas star on my mom's front door. I love their front door actually. Wouldn't mind having one like it on my next house! We'll see....
On Thursday, we met up with Grandma and Grandpa in Columbus so that they could enjoy Wendy at their house for a few days. It was great to see them and give them a big hug. We had a nice lunch and then parted ways. I took the next few days to shop and prepare for Wendy's birthday party.
Behold the Zhu Zhu Pet Party Princess Cake that I made! I had to find an Easter egg cake form in August, which wasn't easy, but thankfully, a specialty baking shop had one! I followed an online tutorial and added my own embellishments to make her extra foo-foo. I made it on Sat. for her party, which was yesterday, Sunday.

Linc, my dad, my bro, my uncle. "The menfolk."
Wendy and some of her party guests checking out the unicorn pillow pet from Mimi!
I kind of went nuts with party favors, knowing they'd all love having these goodies the way I used to freak out with joy whenever I'd get a bag or basket of treats at a party. I'm still a little girl inside.
The early stages of decorating. So glad Wendy wasn't there for that. She walked in in amazement and it was a great wow factor for her. More pics of her party to come once I get them!