We are gearing up for summer, beginning to think about swim lessons, vacation Bible school, hot dogs and
lemonade! I have enjoyed the fact that it's starting to feel more like summertime, but golly, when will we get rain?!
We recently drove to La
Vernia, and I spent a day with my best friend, Nicole, for her birthday, which was last week, and we had a great time catching up. That night, James came and met up with us and we had dinner out. The pic I took didn't turn out, boo, but it was fantastic fun anyway! Below is a pic of James and the kids with his parents.
Family pic ~
Soccer Time!
Soccer is coming to a close soon, she just wrapped up gymnastics for now, but she's taking swimming lessons (which is so important I feel) this summer. In the fall, she will begin ballet and tap!
I do yoga now, LOVE it, and my instructor told me I'm ready for intermediate in the 98 degree rooms! WHOOP! I have "yoga goals," so I hope I can advance! I cannot run, I'm not into aerobics, BUT yoga, at the higher levels becomes aerobic, so that is my aspiration!

So, until her lessons start, we are content to splash and goof off in these little jobbers.

I took the kids to the dentist, and Linc did such a great job! I warned the dentist that he'd give him a hard time, but I ate my words! Wendy has two small cavities due to deep grooves (like her mom, ugh!), so he'll later fill them and get the other teeth sealed, so
that'll be preventative and perfect.

Good boy! Mama is SO PROUD! His teeth looked great, and he's got 6 left to get in.

Playtime before their names were called~

Following Easter service, we ate lunch with dear friends, and their son is so sweet and precious, and he's so compatible with Wendy. I had to take their pic!
Da da DAAAA!!!!!!!!!! "Wake up, Woo Loo! It's EASTER!" We spent time telling her the real Easter story, and she enjoyed hearing it again and again. I'm so glad she was genuinely interested, because with the baskets and goodies, it's easy for a child to forget the love of the cross.


For Linc, I knew I had to think outside the box. Now, what kind of mom would I be if I filled his basket with
ladles, hammers and brooms, which he absolutely gravitates towards? So, this claw-like grabber, a sort of light saber, and a harmonica did the trick. Believe it or not, his favorite item is this small, light yellow duck, and I think it's, in part, because the duck has a decorated egg, smallish badge thing that's like a BELLY BUTTON, and Linc LOVES not only his belly button, but
any one's! He lifts shirts over and over again and jabs a
pokey finger in your navel, so consider this your warning.

I relented, so Wendy got to take her
Tangled doll to church. I worried it would be problematic in some way, but no, thank goodness. We made it to
church RIGHT as our choir was ready to go out, so I dashed back there, grabbed my robe, threw it over my head, and caught my breath quickly before joining in for the Easter Cantata!

Linc's outfit, all handed down! Can't see the front of his
lil' vest, but light blue
argyle. Ah, so sweet!

James' mom got Wendy this top, and it's
soooo darling, I had to take her picture outside! I adore this shot.

"Bring a Friend Day" at Wendy's friend's ballet studio! This is where she will dance in the fall.

One day, James and I made a quick trip to La
Vernia for his aunt's funeral, and my mom took the kids to Wendy's school. Well, she fell. With Linc in her arms. I am so thankful that she did not let go of Linc, but they both got scuffed up. Linc, just a
teensy bit, but my mom, oh, my poor, poor mom. She got quite a beating on that curb, which was not seen due to the ginormous obstruction to her vision---Linc's big ole bobble head! She's healing up, and broke no bones, PRAISE GOD, but oh my. How dreadful, right? I asked Wendy if she saw Mimi fall. "Well, yes I did." "What did it look like?," I ask with furrowed brow. "I don't want to tell you, because it's too embarrassing." Her words. And later, when my mom returned for the party, she took this pic of Wendy deep into her celebrating Easter!

Taken one night at a restaurant. Her brows are darkening, and I just could stare at her pretty eyes all day long.

Wendy's friend, Katie, had her party, and her mom made this cute cake! The flames are those hard banana candies frosted!

My friend, Lizbeth, and I jumped into the foam pit! WHY NOT?! It was so fabulously fun, I want a membership at this place for my work-out!

Wendy didn't have any fun.

Yeah, not much fun...

I don't think she'll ever want to go do this again...

Never ever.............

NONE of us want to.

What would it take to fill a room in a house with scrap foam?
The BTU egg hunt was a blast. Linc is so funny. Little toddlers are funny. Just sitting there, staring and smiling at ONE egg while all the kids swarm in like a pack of wolves! James helped Linc get a few more...
Guess this wraps up this portion of "Days of Our Kid-Focused Lives."