This was just too strange---even for Linc!
A misbehaving toddler is a great teaching tool for a nearly 5-year-old. How? Oh, there is always someone out mis-behaving her, so you simply whisper, "Mommy's so proud of you for being such a good example to brother, who, look at him now, uh oh. I'm SO glad you are my HELPER tonight!" Then, whatever mischief older sibling may have planned, falls away to the sheer will to please and be praised! Wanna see what human nature looks like? Spend a day with kids.
Wendy, walking into our bathroom, cradling her baby Pooh Bear. Aw, such a sparkling, pleased new mommy!
So, one of the events leading up to the first day at school was a social at the pool! This is Wendy's WONDERFUL new teacher!
This was the morning of the "Meet the Teacher and See Your Classroom!" party!
My Darling~
Finding our desks!
Finding the FOOD!
Some of the crazy cute foods my friend made!
Working Woman!
"What? Do I look cute or something?"
Talking Wendy into submitting to curlers for the night was no easy task.....
...however, we did come to a compromise!
Speaking of Pooh, this morning I gave him a gentle tumble in our new washing machine (hand wash mode, slow spin), and then let him air-dry outside. It has been many months because I was afraid Wendy's worst nightmare would be realized if...gulp...his NOSE CAME OFF!!!! He survived, narrowly, once again, and he smells strangely Pooh-like even after this subjection. Anyway, below was a day Wendy filled with costumed Pooh fun!
Everyone, shhhh.....
My mom found this magical bit of info, sooooo, I did something with it!
And of course, now I need to be saving all of these for Wendy's school, so discarding the boxes won't be as simple a process!
And now, Lincoln helping Dad fix my old make-up table for Wendy's room (which before it was mine, was my mom's.)
"I KNOW you need THIS, Dad!" Yeah, Lincoln calls me Mom, and James, Dad. Whatever happened to Daddy and Mommy? Wah!
Playing with Dad now.
Fashion Plate~
High Fasion. Why not? Look at Lady Gaga!
Lincoln loves pretty goils!
Okay, so I am working on a surprise dealie for Wendy's birthday party, and this surprise includes buttons, so I left Wendy alone at my work station, with one of these rice cake poofy snack disks, and, clearing throat now so as to sound completely serious, "This is Wendy's 'Button Land.'" She was proud of it, and then she knocked the buttons off, and ate it!