I freeze Wendy's special juice into popsicles the kids can enjoy out back. They melt so fast, so I prefer them to be enjoyed where the dribbles and splashes of color don't stain anything material!
One night, James came home with a new tent and invited both kids to slumber in nature!
They did fall asleep, however, they wound up in their beds before the night was over. I'm glad they came in because Lincoln was covered in mosquito bites!
Shannon and I, attending an "Antique Road Show" kind of event. It was a $10 per appraisal deal, but unfortunately the man knew not one thing about either of our dolls, and the man he referred us to has totally ignored my messages and e-mails. Ugh. Well at least the money went to the historical society, so a good cause!
Sweet pic taken at one of our local pools.
"Singing in the Rain!"
Dapper Man
My kitchen faucet reflected in a vase took on the shape of a cross.
Wendy Beneath the Laundry~
Reading up on the proper care of butterflies...
At Mimi and Granddaddy's local pool with the cousins....
Sunday Morning
A Long Weekend
Below, her fantasy world~ (Glue, in the cupcake cups filled with cereal, was the "milk.")
Model Magic. I love the stuff.
"Popcorn, anyone?"
What Linc's Car was Supposed to Look Like:What It Actually Looked Like!
Sooooo, soo, so sick. We battled the never-ending virus from you-know-where, y'all. First, on May 17, Wendy vomited all day long, and on the 20th, it was James' turn. Linc got sick once, and I somehow avoided it. On the 21st, Linc had a fever of 103, but otherwise was asymptomatic. On Wendy's LAST day of school, right before her kindergarten graduation ceremony and the pool party, her teacher called, letting me know Wendy was hot. Sure enough, she had a high fever. She complained of UTI-like symptoms, so I took her to Urgent Care. PA there said she had mild UTI, and as I am concerned with how meds can impact blood sugar, I simply asked, one time, if we could flush it out with fluids, and she then barked, in a threatening way, that I give her the antibiotics or I hear from Child Protective!!! I reported her, but have never heard back. That was absolutely horrific to me. Here I was on, I believe it was a Saturday night, taking her in! And, get this, after day 2 of her med schedule, I get the results of her culture--NO infection. I stopped the antibiotics. Crazy world we live in! Then, on the 30th, a pediatrician treated Linc for croup and stridor. During the last 8 or so days of sickness, the kids had fevers ranging from the 102's to 104.4, I think was the highest I saw. I treated fevers constantly. Finally, on the 2nd of June, at 5 am, I got up, having "slept" fitfully, thinking I was about to get sick. I blacked out and hit the floor several times, so I managed, finally, to call my dad at 5:45, thank the Lord, he answered, and they arrived at our house right as my kids were waking. He took me to Urgent Care and I kept saying I thought it was the virus, or an ear infection, but they insisted I go to the ER. An ECG and x-ray later, it was discovered that I was dehydrated, having failed my orthostatics. So, I'd never fainted before! It was scary! Meanwhile, my poor sister-in-law and two of her four children were fighting this evil virus, too. She and I were both tested for flu, both negative, but they were testing for only 2 kinds. I thought, maybe mono, but we're all well now. Thank God for wellness! We missed so many things due to this stuff---birthday parties, a wedding in San Antonio, etc.
Before my mom left, we released our butterflies! All survived!
The Town of Pooh Bear!
Linc's First Day of "School!" It's actually Sonshine Camp! But, the very first time he attended a school-like program, with a backpack and packed lunch!
Sprinkler Day!
The Night of the Beach Boys Concert
My Folks' Local Pool
Lunch at Dan and Karen's
Just Relaxing
Back Yard Bible Club