Oh, how I wish I could clone Wendy's Pooh Bear. Oh, how I wish! One day, we're gonna have to retire him to a decorated shoe box, and it'll be hard on the Woo Loo if, by then, she isn't a "grown-up!" He is always touching her face in some way, as she sleeps. Usually, across her neck.
Linc loves Model Magic, and he wanted me to make the dragon on the box. So, I did! It didn't last long as it sort of began to crack and crumble after behing handled once dried!Wendy was proud of her beach ball!
Just before we left for my friend, Julie's, little girl's birthday party, I dressed Wendy and her American Girl Doll similarly for the Hawaiian theme!
Her little one~
The Party!
Daddy and Linc at play~
Enjoying her little slice of cake.
Welcome to my flower land!
The sky as it appeared~
Nursery duty at church. The kids were so cute and sweet.
In a dress my friend, Katie, got for Wendy. I LOVED this look!
Getting INTO it!!!
I tried soccer, for Linc, and, well, he just clung to my ankle. Both the first day we tried it as well as the second day we tried it. Oh well. Will try something different later on!
One morning before school, I had a bit more time than usual!
The day of school picture-taking! I decided to allow most of her hair to cascade on down, nah, because it's pretty by itself!
Walking to class....Isn't this sweet?
A gift for a friend of James'~
A Sunday afternoon~
Hangin' with "Diddy"~ Paper dolls and...
Potholder- making!
My dad looks so FANTASTIC! He's lost sooo much weight, feels great and is living so well! I am so happy and proud of his success. It's a significant blessing.
Friends over for crafts!
I draw coloring pages for Wendy's Sunday school class, and here are a few~
After lunch, one Sunday, the kids were having a blast with Daddy!
Decorating their pun'kins. By the way, I need to take and post a pic of our front yard decorations! Lincoln is so into Halloween, and we drive around all the time, looking at "Halloween Houses!" We were thrilled to be able to get a couple things to "do up" his house, "how!"
Boy Fort!
The presents I got for Wendy for her hospital admission (fasting test). I wanted to have something for every hour, on the hour, to help the time go by more quickly. Her lowest blood sugar was 56 (had she dipped below 50, they'd have then drawn blood for testing and administered fast-acting glucagon, but that wasn't necessary) and that is great news. It means her liver put out glucagon and helped return her blood sugar to normal range. The first half of lab results were good! We find out about the second half of them tomorrow morning. Still do not know the cause of her blood sugar issues, but we have been patient this long, and we're thankful that she is healthy right here and now.
Rufus getting his stuff done~
Playing Cards~ Mimi got lots of card games, coloring projects, etc, and other time-killers came from loving friends.
Linc enjoyed the fabulous train display in a connecting building!
Able to eat at last! WHOOP! She was quite strong, really, quite a champ. I was proud of her. I thought I'd be weeping in another room, unable to tolerate her hunger and all, but she was amazing. I am so impressed by her. I really am thankful. She is strong-willed, and while that is often a bit of a burden to us, it comes in handy when she is put to a test! Yay God! I think that our honesty about the process helped her cope, and she just understood it all and went along with it.
All good witches eat their veggies.
James is an artist. He is good.
Linc and his thick-as-thieves friend!
"Nice to meet you. These are my children."
"No, we do not belong in a zoo. What makes you think that?!"
Wendy is Star Student this week! Also, it's drug awareness week (but I'm thankful they don't explain it all to the first graders!) She dressed as a book character Tuesday, in red Wednesday and backward, today!
Get this. If this doesn't make you snicker, nothing will. At LINC'S school, it was breast cancer day, and they pinned a pink ribbon on him! In this pic, he's fussing, obviously. I took him to the doctor today and he has a viral infection of some sort on his tonsils, but not strep. To flush it with lots of liquids. Ah, me. If it aint one thing, it's another. I took him to see the doc because James urged me to and then I got an e-mail from his school stating that there were now two confirmed cases of strep and hand, mouth and foot. Ugh.