Going back in time some, above is an example of the fun hairstyles Wendy used to allow me to do before school. She has since become "plainer" in her preferences and will barely allow me to brush it!
Aunt Tiffany giving and getting some lovins!
Above, at Sea World!
Valentine's Day!
All together at Walker and Missy's for Bethie's baptism and Maggie's first communion!
Above, evidence of Wendy's growth spurts!
Below, some pics from Alice's 1st and Linc's 5th joint party! Linc had been sick and had had to cancel his party back in December.
I know...my shamrocks looked like palm trees!
St. Patrick's Day party at the Kemper's!
Surprise party for Jennifer!
Alice and Mary Katherine, both born on St. Pat's Day!
Egg hunt at Linc's school
Easter at my folks'!
Linc and Alice are super close..
Above --Funny true story. At Forest Ridge, this author came and signed books for kids who purchased them. Wendy dropped hers into the tub during a bath! I was so bummed! I contacted the author and explained to a woman who works for him what had happened. I paid for another and behold what was mailed!
Missy's amazing birthday party! They had karaoke and a bar!
Ears pierced!!!!!!!! She is 8. I had to wait until I was 16.
Getting a filling---boo.
My father is now doing better, praise be to God! It was so so hard, but I am thankful I could be there for the first few days, with my mom. His anesthesiologist prayed with us, which was so wonderful, as did their pastor, David, who came and got us breakfast the morning of. Prayer was all around him, all around us. A young man died in the ICU, and his very large Hispanic family and friends all filled the waiting room. I prayed with a young, pregnant woman named Wendy! and gifted her unborn baby girl with a white angel bear from the gift shop. It was a moment I am thankful to have shared with her. My Bible study leader, Marilyn, had told me to USE my experiences rather than just react to them. I'm also thankful for Marilyn!
(Now today is the 10th--I'm just adding a bit to this blog post because I was rushed yesterday). In other news, Wendy did well on the Staar test, first time to have to take it, and actually is advanced in both reading and math areas! I know I (may) have done well on the language part but no way could I ever have gotten "advanced" in math. Evah! She also made straight As every report card. Pretty cool. I hope homeschooling goes well and that I do a good job of challenging her appropriately!
Speaking of homeschooling for the first time this Fall, there are other changes in action right now. James and I met with a man to get started on the path to becoming Hermann Sons agents! We need additional income, and it's something I could do from home.
And I'm co-chair for our church VBS and James is leading construction (mountains galore!), so he and I have been busy-busy working on tons. Emily is leading VBS and she is just amazing and I am honored to be her helper! Please pray it goes well!
Another something new--Just signed Wendy up to do Troupe theater in Bryan this Summer! She has a script, a CD and is hot-working on it. Try-outs may fall on the 17th or so and she's interested in trying out for the part of Gertrude. We'll see. Her cousin, Eva Rose, just NAILED it as Captain Hook in their theater production of Peter Pan! And of course Cousin Wesley is a very talented actor in theater in Houston! Mimi was a star actress in theater as a child. So I guess her talent has truly been passed down!
Lincoln is still astonishing us with his math abilities, all of which he does in his head on the spot. Adds, subtracts, multiplies and totally gets money! He's getting his tonsils out tomorrow! I'm waiting for the call to know when to take him in. Mimi's coming in today.
Kids have attended parties out the ying-yang lately, not all of which I've photographed, boo, and are having play dates with friends over here or at pools to fill up the hot Summer days. They play Beanie Boos together when other kids aren't over, and Linc plays with Alice all the time.
Alice is still receiving physical therapy and yesterday did pretty well outside in her play kitchen, cruising around for her therapist!
Okay, I guess that's all for now. Next news will be a new blog post!