Well, today is one of God's most beautiful days if you ask me! I awoke at 7 to the tune of my daughter's coos, arose, went in to her, and glanced out her nursery window to behold flittery flakes of snow drifting down to the copious piles on car tops and mailboxes. A thick blanket covered our streets. Everything is white, pure, flawless, as we are seen by God, made acceptable by His son's awesome sacrifice. I think I'll write a poem...
Imagine me,
A tired car,
that rushes 'round,
and travels far,
In search of love,
In search of life,
In search of ending
all the strife,
My tires are scarred,
and cloaked with dirt,
Critical stares,
I try to skirt,
But washing me
does not erase
the history
of my life's chase,
Then suddenly,
white snow descends,
and all my hurts
begin to mend,
The eyes above
no longer see
the disheveled mess
that became me,
A gift was sent
My search was through,
T'was Jesus Christ,
who made me new!
Hey, Laurel! Saw your link from Sean and Stephanie's. Wendy is just the cutest little baby. Love, Anna (from Aggie RUF and stats class)
What a sweet post! I love the picture of Wendy looking out the window. Seems she is bound to be a snow-baby!
Thanks for the frequent posts! Good to catch up on the Tanneberger household!
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