Sean, Stephanie and Mary Ellen (in utero) left us Monday morning. Boo HOOOOOOO! We LOVED having them here with us for their babymoon. They went out as tourists during the days, and hooked up with us evenings and of course, I got to visit with them mornings. Exception: Friday night, which they spent in a pretty b & b in Portland. They got to see Multnomah Falls, Cannon Beach, etc, and you can see their pictures on Below are shots I took during the week, with them of course, and some of Wendy's days---at the dentist, "swimming" with Ava, etc.

Sean attempting to soothe his sinus infection with our neti pot! He and Steph gave me permission to post this. He's so funny, my brother, Sean.

Laurel, we had SO MUCH FUN! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Next time we'll have to bring Hattie, so the cousins can play and bond, and hopefully I won't be preggers next time, so we can sip on our long island ice teas together by the water. BLISS!
The pic you took of Sean and the netty pot cracks me up :).
Miss Y'all!
Now we need to come up........ready for six???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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