Y'all know how it is...Life is as crazy as life can get right about now. We've got a newborn, I am recovering from the c-section AND my first of two kidney surgeries (which, by the way was pretty brutal---Dr. Smith found three stones lodged in my right ureter. I'm on tons of pain med for my stent and the trauma of the type of work done to me), and Friday, my poor James got into a wreck (not his fault) and totaled his beautiful truck! Thank God he's okay! We're up at night~~doing what moms and dads do for their babies, and we're all sort of, well, goofy, off-track right now. Maybe it's the fact that it's a new year! Happy New Year y'all! We've taken so many pictures already, documenting Linc's first this, first that, and we've got a lot on video as well! My folks take pics on both of their cameras, and we've got pics on ours, and I've uploaded batches of pics at different times, so all of this is to say that this post might seem a bit out of whack, and IT IS! Pics not necessarily in order or anything, but I just want to get them up for our family and friends to see, so fa-give my jumpin' 'round. Christmas is a day I don't want to overlook. We had a great one! It was peaceful. Wendy had the greedy gimmes while we all opened presents, but as a 3-year-old with a new brother to tolerate (and luv...), she's doing pretty well. Last Monday was hairy, but she was okay the next day. It was nice to take turns opening gifts, break for lunch and resume at our own leisure. I so loved reclining with Linc in my arms as we sat around the tree and soaked up the spirit of the holy holiday. 'Couldn't help but think of Mary and her baby boy, Jesus, as I held my own brand new son. What she must have felt, knowing her son's destiny, is a wisdom I know I'm spared as I love and nurture Linc. The most innocent of babes was born to save wretches like us, and this young mother held his tiny frame and nursed his dependence, but soon the world would become dependent upon Him. So, I'm going to upload some highlights, and again, forgive the disorganization, and I'll just try to do a decent job here before a certain needy someone wakes! Tee hee.
The Shroeders meeting Linc!

Mimi got this darling top for Wendy at the hospital gift shop!

I'd say she's pretty smitten!

Neighbor and friend, Julie, has really bonded with Lincoln...And he looks quite a bit like one of her sons as an infant!

Wendy approving the cookies and milk left out for Santa's visit...

Christmas morning!

Look what I GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

A new dress-up...

My mom took this and we love that it was not planned...

Checking him out, a favorite new past-time.

This doll crib was my mom's as a little girl, then mine and now it's Wendy's and Linc sure looks cute in it!

After his very first home bath. A wash cloth bath due to his stump.

After Christmas, it snowed one day, so here is Troy pulling Anna and Wendy. What a ball they had!

Mimi got the stuff for ginger bread men cookies, so she took this photo of Wendy as a domestic diva.

My mom got these bars from the hospital gift shop.
Goodness! Glad James is okay.
Love all the pictures.
Lincoln is certainly a cutie! And Wendy looks like she's a natural at being a big sis :).
I just want to tell you that you are well loved and I pray when I am awake nursing Ellie, that you and Linc are sleeping soundly! They are such blessings, these babies1
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