One day, I put make-up on Wendy and her cousin, Hattie, and they wore two of Hattie's dress-ups and they had a blast running through my mom's house being princesses! It was kind of strange to see their little round faces all painted up! Made my heart sink when I thought of her as a teenager! Please don't grow up too soon! I have to admit it though, I'm a girly girl so I had fun trying different things with their eye make-up. I'll be into it when I have to do Wendy's face up for ballet or theater!
I love these shots I took of my dad because he's got the beard thing going on and it is sort of nautical in a way, sort of "Captain Winnie!," and these were taken at Kemah, where he treated all of us for an afternoon visit and lunch!
The Flying Dutchman had an outdoor eating area, which we chose, and Wendy got to play before our food arrived. I love my action shots!
Lincy-poo was cute. As usual. Easy going Linc. I love me some Linc.
Trying to nurse in the breezy air was sort of a hassle. I lasted only 2 mos. with Wendy cuz it was a demanding job, so I don't fault anyone who doesn't last either for any reason at all, but this time, I am determined to try, try being the operative word, to b-feed for at least six months. We'll see.
My mom, holding her 8th grandchild. By the way, grandchild number 9 and number 10 are on the way. Not mine, my bros' babes! My mother is a champion. She works so hard, exhausting herself for everyone in her family but herself. She is selfless. I know we wore her out and I probably took too much advantage. SORRY, MOM! I think we all need to appreciate her more.
Wendy discovered the fountains! WHOOP! What's more fun than getting soaked?
Before that, though, she was running around, working up a sweat with this sweet friend!
A sweet visit with cousins was a great topper to our visit. Devon, Wesley and Victor (so well named, don't you think?) enjoyed showing her their pets---all of them including their big hairy spider!!! Funny thing, hilarious actually, we wanted to try exposure therapy with their cat cuz my folks' cats were really freaking her out all the time, all day long. Well, THEIR cat, as we introduced her and showed her how to pet her, NIPPED her! Woah! We quickly recovered though, and just laughed.
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