Today was a special day~ it was Wendy's first soccer practice! We ordered her t-shirt in light pink, got a soccer ball badge, and these treats after a very productive first day! The kids were adorable with their gentle giant coach, and I just can't get over how Wendy's now-long legs actually work together to shuffle that ball around the field! It surprised me to see her more in control than she usually is! Hey! She might take after her ole man. Me? I hope not! I tried tee ball once and after running directly to third base with bat in hand, and being told to go back, I had had enough. And my socks had dirt in them!!! I never, ever, ever again attempted sports of any kind. Sad!

The weather couldn't have been more perfect, and the timing was right as these girls were awake enough now to truly pay attention (well, as much attn. as kids this age are capable of paying!), and we moms and younger siblings had a blast watching it all!

You can see below how happy she was!

Last night she drew this pic of a mom driving her 4-year-old son in the car, on seats, with a steering wheel! She pointed out every detail to me, and declared, "The mommy is 18 so she can DRIVE!"

A few days ago, my mom visited and took this pic. We were dressed up for a rare date, and Wendy was dressed up as she'd had picture day at school! Where's Lincoln? Oh, no doubt a couple feet away from us in a food-spattered t-shirt and diaper with a hammer or something in his hand!

Folks ask, and my answer is still, "Not really. Not yet." Know what they ask?

Wendy had to return to school the following day for special pics in the cap n' gown she'll wear for her graduation ceremony! She's so excited to be moving on to kindergarten, and she wants to know ALL about her "
cereMONE-y!" We needed to kill time until they were ready for her. Glad I brought along the American Girl catalogue!

Kyla, a sweet classmate, was there for the pics as well. Buddies! Oh, the love!

A preview that made me shed tears!

So scholarly!

"Lincoln, I'm going to be in KINDERGARTEN next!" (But she still likes to pretend to be his age from time to time.)

Goofing off one afternoon recently...

"What needs

Maam. Where is that
plumbin'? I'm on it!"

The hat is a big deal to Linc. Gotta wear the hat.

James and his buddies went to a basketball game one day, and Wendy was ECSTATIC to see her crush, Mr. Jason! She thinks he's like a prince or something! I allowed her to be in a pic with the guys, and check out her display of utter admiration!

My cute bug.

Trying out the skates one night...

Well, that's all of our news for now.
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