Last week, Linc was diagnosed with hand, mouth and foot virus as well as a double ear infection. He'd suffered a 104.4 fever, which scared me big-time, and was having difficulty overcoming pink eye. He got one antibiotic shot in each thigh instead of his 18 month vacs, and has been getting better steadily, on med, but it's been so exhausting, just trying to get him interested in eating, just trying to help him feel content. His allergies are so bad, and the ears are a problem, so we'll have to check into that later. Maybe tubes or adenoids need to be considered.
Wendy, last week also, got the granuloma removed from her finger via "the accidental snap of the dermatologist's rubber band" following the ice pack application. I held her face and distracted her when the mighty prick numbed this rapidly growing blister of blood vessels right inside the joint of her right hand's finger. It was shaved and cauterized. We might have waited to see if it would resolve spontaneously, but as I was told that, if it happens, it could take months or years, and that these things grow quickly and bleed profusely when nicked, and as it was making it hard for her to hold a pencil, AND as he advised he'd do it for his child, I gave my consent. I got the headache of a century. Wendy was fine after the moment of "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I got her a new doll from Target. It's healing well. Let's pray it doesn't return!
Drama #3---the floor James painted never did dry/cure, so I made a phone call and wrote a letter (I e-mailed the higher-ups). Men representing the product came out to see it, and of course, they were defensive but made poor arguments, so I had to resist their efforts to intimidate me, I had to prove my case and stick to my guns without wavering, me with two small kids against two grown men. God gave me strength and an edge when I needed it most. I recall how I asked to see the clipboard, and how as I stood beside the man, looking over his shoulder at his notes, how I made him make the appropriate corrections to his check list, and how I requested a copy of these documents. Before they left, I looked him straight in the eyes and told him I didn't feel confident that he would represent our situation with the product fairly based on some of the things he said to me. (He said it wasn't supposed to be used on foot-traffic areas. I told him the store employee recommended it for our floor project and then I grabbed the can. It did not say to avoid applying to floors. He said, "It doesn't say TO use it on floors." I read to him, "...excellent for ceramic tile,' ---I don't see too much ceramic tile on walls. I am not stupid." It also said to allow 24 hours drying time for regular foot traffic. No floors, huh? There are even STAIR instructions. The product stinks. Period. Update--Monday the head guy will call me and set up times for contractors to come out and give bids to remove the mess and repaint it for us. I won! Praise God! Justice! But, another headache. I hate having to be that way, but sometimes one has to be!
Fiasco #4--A virus corrupted my e-mail. Gonna have to try g-mail soon as that's what folks suggest. Evil hackers. I want someone to make a virus that immediately detects virus-making activity and shuts them right down. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
GOOD news! Nothing worse than any of the above has happened! Ha ha. Seriously, life is like this sometimes, and this year has been weird in that many of the major things we've attempted to accomplish have gone wrong--like our move, the house situation, etc, and we've had our share of frustrations, but I know none of it's actually tragic, so I'll accept this season for what it is---life in a fallen world. Amen?
Below are pics from Father's Day weekend. James had the idea of going to Tanglewood Park for water fun! They looked so adorable to me, out there. First, a pic of James at rest, and Linc, ever and always interested in what his daddy is doing.

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