Just a pic I took when the evening light was good---

And another afternoon--

I love playing around with light.

Wendy's friend came over for a play date!

Linc, up from a nap, not yet quite "nice."

Christmas Picture by Wendy

And her GIFT from school---for US!

And Santa put
teensy presents under Wendy's various miniature Christmas trees! Aw, he's so sweet,
aint he?

The Morning of Christmas!

It was our first Christmas by ourselves, as a family of four. James was on call, and family could not come to us as they had traditions and other family back at their homes, so we actually enjoyed a new experience! We got up, video-taped the kids opening gifts in an orderly frenzy, went to church, went to Denny's--
har har, and had a blessed day!

One of Wendy's

Right before Christmas, James' parents came. We enjoyed a walk, we played Settlers, we ate at the German restaurant in Bryan, and had a blessed time with them.

Prior to their visit, we went to my folks' house and wound up taking Linc to Chuck-E-Cheese's for his 2
nd birthday! It was just Mimi and us. He had a fun time, and so we did, too.

Even though Sissy was a cake-

He got tools, a trampoline, etc...

He wasn't that into Chuck-E though.

He traveled through time.....but came out still just a new 2-year-old!

Yeah, pics are backwards, ah well. Here we are standing in front, ready to par-
tay toddler style!

Aunt Katie giving and getting gifts...

Wendy watching a video of my grandmother's life with my mom, grandmother and dad...

She is living with them now, and is on Hospice, so we all cherish every moment of her life.

My college girlfriends and I enjoyed a get-together, and below is my friend's baby girl,
Izzie. Her little sister is now on the way, too. Double trouble!

"My Girls!"

At a friend's birthday party~

It was great fun, and even their kindergarten teacher was there!

At this time, I was baking sugar-free cupcakes for Wendy to take along to these parties so that she could have something when cake was served, but she did not care for them.

At another birthday party--same day, I believe...


Wendy's Art~

Flash mob at mall sang Hallelujah!

Going in for a blood glucose check before we got our own

Her dance class performing!

Before they were "on."

The day we learned Wendy's blood was spiking----I took her in after school for something else, and her blood sugar level was 250. We were sent next door, to the ER, and we were told we'd probably be riding in an ambulance to Texas
Childrens. I was in shock, I called to cancel our play date at our house, James came, and we proceeded. An hour later, her blood sugar was normal, so we were sent home. Next day, she failed her glucose test (after she drank the glucose), but an hour later, was normal again. Next day, another blood-draw and blood sent out of state for further testing. We had to wait an agonizing week plus. I asked our pastor and elders to lay their hands on Wendy and pray for her. With oil, they did this. No antibodies found. Since then, we've been checking her blood sugar four times per week (2 fasting, 2 two hours following dinners, and now, 1 hour after dinners), and so far, all normal, I think. Tomorrow is a follow up with her pediatrician. We appreciate all prayers.


Linc, "watching" Sissy's Thanksgiving play....Yeah, I know, this is a weird catch-up post, isn't it?

I made the shirts with all 20 kids from both classes. Had a lot of fun doing it.

Back to Christmas stuff, in addition to our family tree, the kids had one in their bathroom,

Wendy had one in her doll house,

and two in her room, including this one!

Cutie Girl

Pooh "being fired" (from the story, The Velveteen Rabbit). Look at pic below this one, and you'll see where she got the idea!

While she did not attend her cousin's play, I did, and I told her the story of the velveteen rabbit. Wesley's performance was excellent, I might add.

At a recent get-together with friends, oh my, Linc just fell in love with this little sweet, patient girl!

I think I just lost some pics that HAD been attached to this post, so before I lose more, I'll publish and then there might be one more post later on, 'kay?
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