I guess we moved here closer to two years ago now, but in hindsight, it just causes me to wonder why so many traumatic things have happened.
When we first interviewed, we stayed in the Howard Johnson (to save the company money), and that night, we called police due to violence right outside our window, and I wondered if it was "a sign," but of course, not really. Then, a couple months later, when our shipment arrived, at 1 in the morning, after many desperate phone calls, all smashed up and incomplete, that was another hardship. Then, you all know, late November, Wendy was found to be honeymooning with Type 1 ("the bad kind"), which is the heartbreak of my life as I wait for it. Not long ago, I wrecked our minivan in Houston, and now, dear friends are also going through upsetting events. Can't help but wonder why, you know? However, as a Christian, I know that all things that God permits, have a purpose----even the sad things. And, I may never obtain those answers, but peace comes from knowing that these things are not outside His will, and His ways are perfect. His sovereignty makes His blessings that much sweeter, and personal, too.
My grandmother passed away Feb 2nd, and I was there with her, along with my mom and her best friend, Suzon. Now, when I learned that she would be on Hospice, I had this thought that was combined with feeling, that I needed to be with her when she leaves. I visited her as often as I could in the 4 months that she was with my parents. I am glad I was able to see her several times. Then, I found out that she was getting weaker, and James gave me the okay to stay longer than I'd planned to, as I just knew it would be on this Friday.
God blessed me with a sacred wish, granted, to love her, in person. I was beside her during the final hours, minutes and seconds. My mom, Suzon and I sang hymns as we attempted to comfort her, and awaited the moment of The Savior's won-for-all/one-for-all victory over death, and my grandmother's victory--into the triumphant presence of Christ, Jesus. My father joined us at the end. And it was peaceful. Her spirit left as surely as a vapor. She went from faint life to glory. Amen.
Here are some pics a family member sent to us from the day of her funeral~ I know the smiles might be disturbing given the fact that we are all grieving the loss of her presence with us here, but the smiles were for our knowledge of where she is now, that her suffering is over, and that our family is close and faithful.

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