A few days ago, the kids and I visited a nice, fenced-in park in Bryan, and we played for an hour with my friend, Shannon, and her son! He is such a doll, and the boys did what boys do best! (Played with rocks!) Wendy made a friend there, and they pretended to be princesses in castles (the play structures). I'm glad I have a friend who I can just up and go and meet somewhere to kill an hour. So nice.

This futon was up against the wall for about a day, and it slouched down, and before I knew it, Wendy and Linc were all cozy, just parking beside me and my kitchen work for a bit. Cute.

I am delighted when I see them play side by side. What? Who says boys can't play with doll houses?

Fun days around the house built up to a rare and special treat indeed. We went to Waco to celebrate my old college friend, Mary's, daughter's birthday! Mary, Nicole, Julie and I were very close while in school. We lived together, played together. My years in school were blessed because I had prayed for friends such as these. After graduation, Mary moved to Maryland, and then I moved to Oregon, and then Julie moved to North Carolina. At last, we have all moved back to Texas! This reunion was such a warm and fuzzy time for me. My heart swelled with joy, and I was tickled to see that Mary's older girl and my baby girl are already kindred spirits!

Aunt Nicole surprised the girls with these treats! They played with them all afternoon, covering their princess gloves with the stickers to make them "fancier."

Nicole was brilliant to think of getting them something new and fun to enjoy and bond over right off the bat!

The men...

Getting to know

delish sandwiches and salads, we started the par-
tay, however Eliza was somewhat upset, as 2-year-
olds often are, but her mommy was able to smooth over the upset just in time for her to blow her candle out!

Beautiful family ~

Everybody now, "

My little man, gosh, I love him so!

Wendy was her usual enthusiastic self! She climbed into a
gift bag and hollered, "Come open me up, Eliza!"

Sleepy afternoon.

Oh, the joy!

I love the late day sun for pic-taking. And check out those cute toddler heads...

For old time's sake, we all went to The Olive Garden for dinner.

The girls enjoyed waiting for our table as they goofed off --they are both extroverted and lively. So chatty, too.

All of us ~

And last night....spent some time outside.

Mr. Blue-Eyes---I love his changing looks! Always looking fractionally different to me!
1 comment:
Your handsome little man and my petite little wisp of a girl need to get in the same picture again to show how much they've grown since their newborn pics side by side! That is probably the only time they will be about the same size for their lifetimes! Miss you!
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