Here are Katie's pics from Linc's birthday party, and obviously, hers are far superior to mine, which is why I am so thankful she was there and with her camera and mad, crazy skills! I love this first one of my big ole 1-year-old boy! He IS huge, wearing some 3-T tops if they are short-
sleeved. He's big overall, but his arms haven't caught up, and his legs, oh my, they are relatively short! It's his girth and head that are so substantial! Anyway, I found this gorgeous sweater for his special day while shopping with both kids and James at the Houston Outlets. I love this and similar colors on both kids.

His first birthday cake. He was
simultaneously interested in the balloons overhead, and smeared frosting all over the strings and balloons, and as he went to town with the stuff, man, oh man, did he make the typical mess, and that frosting stains skin!

"A tasty and FUN treat, Mom!"

I adore this pic of Wendy chatting up Karen. In the background are my aunt and uncle.

Our family. Taken Dec. 26
th, 2010.

And here are a few pics my mom recently got off of her camera at their house, and forwarded to me. Wendy and Hattie play so well together! How awesome that we have a built-in friend for her that simply comes with our family! They are only 2 months apart!

And I am thankful that there is now a newbie boy, who will no doubt be a buddy for Lincoln. Right now, he's still a new '
un, but in a year or so, they will be more or less the same in "baby years." "So, Ben, lemme tell ya how it goes around here. If you want a
ba or your rear is chafed, just scream, got it?"

And finally, I like this pic I took because the adults in the background are carrying on as usual while Linc explores some of his new birthday presents.
I have a bunch of new stuff on my camera now, so stay tuned...
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