In our news, we became members of our church Sunday morning. It felt wonderful to be introduced before the congregation, to be greeted by families introducing themselves to us, and to then be invited to lunch at one of the family's homes. We, and the two other couples who also joined, enjoyed a fabulous lunch and blessed conversation with a darling family, whose little boy is 5 and has Wendy's extroverted personality! We are excited to have a church family at last, and we're looking forward to serving and growing among our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Last Friday, Lincoln had his 1-year well child
appt. He is in the 95
th percentile in length (31 and 1/4 in.), 70
th percentile in wt at 25 lbs, and his head is in the 95
th percentile (49 cm). He received a great assessment. He's on track, and we don't take the wellness of our children for granted. We know what a blessing it is to have healthy children. Praise the Lord!
Below are two pics of the kids wearing James' Aggie caps during the big game, which my mom and I sort of ignored, as we don't feel one iota of football mania. I did have fun, however, watching the kids in their goofy enthusiasm over the caps!

Recently we visited dear friends, Shannon and her handsome boy, Jackson! Wendy was at school. We took the boys down the street in Jackson's wagon, and oh my goodness, Linc just loved it!

When at home, the kids have a lot of their play in our tiny kitchen. Why? I don't know. Wendy's room is STUFFED with toys, the living room is overwhelmed with toys, but they prefer to party in the cold, boring kitchen! Lincoln, like his big sister as a babe, loves to play in the fridge! Of course, I have to limit the minutes he's permitted to let the cold air out!

Mmmmm, a nice cold beer."

Do NOT worry! It is NOT open! Still, the germs, I know, I know.

And...guitar concerts given by the oh-so talented princess performer, take place, in, you got it. The kitchen.

Over the holidays, I picked up a pink, and a blue, kid straw cup at
Hong Kong Market, and you'd have thought I'd just given the kids the most incredible new toys! They spent a good hour or so having the time of their lives playing with these cups together! Just cold water inside of each. It was so
stinkin' hilarious.

dees is good

"I'm gonna get Sister now..."

Oh, a kiss. Sweet!

Sippy Time!

Looking a little bit

Oh, Happy Day! Note to self. Next year, skip the presents. Just load up on these $1-some odd cents cups!

"I have more water in mine than YOU have in yours! Nanny nanny boo-boo!"

"Mom, did you know these things are the bomb?!" (Do I need to get my kids out more?)

I think he's going to be a ham.

We've gone to the kids' museum twice lately. More recent was a visit to celebrate a little girl's first birthday, however I didn't take my camera. Below are pics from our random visit, which saved an otherwise boring day. Wendy is wearing a hospital smock from the "ER." They are enjoying the train table with the other kid.

While exploring "Mrs.
Giggle's Garden."

Sweet girl. She loves the rocket ship, she came to tell me.

Digging around. Very, very busy.

She made a friend there.

Finally, New Years Eve, we could not get a babysitter, but that was just fine because Tony called! He was on his way back home after visiting his girlfriend's family for Christmas, and so I made spaghetti, and we had a fantastic time just hanging out and talking! It was unexpected and totally nice.
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