Dear Beloved Alice, also known to me as "Ally Boo,"
Daddy always wanted an Ally. When he agreed to the name Alice, I'm sure he knew what would occur! You are my Ally Boo, and oh, how I love you--all of you!
I am so sorry if you someday notice that there are not quite as many posts, on this blog, about you---as there were about your big sis, Wendy, or big bro, Linc. You see (you may someday very well know!), I now have THREE kids, and blogging is so much more difficult to do. I am busy-busy with the work of loving and ENJOYING all three of you to bits and bits! I spend my waking hours nurturing, entertaining, LEARNING, always, new things about motherhood, and just soaking up y'all's "luvins!" So, there are indeed far fewer posts. We are still, because I am still, a get-out-of-the-house type of family, so we go-go, meet, greet, and have oodles of fun, and I just don't have the time or energy left over to document each and every event of your lives. But oh, we are living it!
I AM keeping up with your baby book. I just ordered some pics for it! You are every bit as wondrously amazing as your big sis and big bro, and for that, I am eternally aware of how blessed I am, as your mother. You turned five months yesterday and, sigh, I just am in total awe of you, as a little person so filled to your brim with personality and charm.
You're EASY! Easy going #3! Conventional, beautiful, girly. You LIGHT UP with a HUGE gummy smile when Wendy or Linc enter your field of vision. You probably just live to interact with them! You nurse like a champ and the rolls are glorious. I snuggle and adore you daily and nightly. BUT! You now sleep so well, I go in to you at 5 am just to feed and change you to ensure you continue to flourish.
(I just had to holler at bro and sis to be quiet as you're now napping! Linc just asked me to play with him in the tent Daddy set up in our dining room, and I had to explain that I'm trying to blog!)
Big Sis and Big Bro were just in a wedding on Daddy's side of the family. I think I'll see if I remember how to post pics!
Okay! We're in business! I succeeded. Okay, Alice, I am very heavy for me right now. I take after the heavier fam members so I had to purchase a much-too-spacious dress for short, 5'4 me. But Daddy's cousin's wedding was cocktail attire, so I found this little number, and I think it was about as cute as it could be on someone of my stature and build. I flat-ironed Wendy's hair, as her hair was curly for Paisley's wedding, and it's a very becoming length for her face shape! Okay, now let me try to attach another pic of you!
Ahhh....there we go. So, as you can see, you're the cat's meow! Daddy is enamored with you, too. As you can tell. Wanna see how Wendy and Linc did in Mr. Wesley's wedding? Alrighty, I bet I can attach another pic! (I am SOO rusty!)
Yay!!! I'm on a roll! AND! It's not taking so long!!!! I just clicked "save" cuz I SO don't want to lose this work I've put into this post! Let's see what else I can conjure up from the immense abyss of stored photos I have! At this point, I have NO idea what I'll find and what I'll write about, but hey, I'm gonna keep on going cuz you're napping, Sister is busy wrapping a present for Daddy's birthday tomorrow, and Linc's in the tent, playing with a toy castle! Oh no! I hear a kazoo! I gotta hurry, right?!
Above, Aunt Tiffany absorbing some of your cuddle-factor. Oh, she has two cuddle bug-ettes of her own, my beloved nieces, Elly Anne and Enly Rose, who are so incredibly James/Tiffany-like as well!!! I mean it, these Tanneberger genes totally trump my Dollahon genes in the external aspect!!!
Oh golly, okay, so here's your dad. I am so in love with him. He's the very best father and husband. It'll be hard to ensure you girls marry guys like your ole' man! But I understand that God is sovereign, and it is HIS design, not mine, that is at work. He was at work when He united the two of us after all! Your husband may be different, but I imagine he'll be wonderful as well!
Linc--thank his Creator, he's got his father's temperament so he's a great catch-in-the-making! A good soul. I love m' boy, your brother who ADORES you, Ally Boo! Seriously! Never a jealous moment, even though he was my baby until you were born! He pets your head often and with a gentle zealousness. Your fuzzy head is HIS to pet, as far as HE is concerned!!!
Look, I mean, who wouldn't want to cherish this cuteness forever?!
Miss Wendy and Miss Elly, party mode!
Alrighty then, I am forced to wrap this up. Got a doctor's appointment and kids to get ready. Love you, my Ally Boo...