Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to School Now...and Back Then

Wendy started 3rd grade Monday, and boy howdy, does time fly.  I remember dropping tears when I took her into Joyful Learning preschool, when she was three, I believe.  It felt like she was just blossoming into her own little person, and she was indeed so independent.  Now, she stands so tall and leggy and ready to blaze her own trail.  We loaded up on new duds, tennis shoes, a new backpack, supplies from the lists, of course, and with a great big smile, she dashed into the horizon, littered with chatty kids! 
Fifty six years ago, another girl, roughly the same age, attended the 3rd grade.  With her head held high, super-tightly braided hair and perhaps super short bangs, she wore a special, custom-made dress (because like Wendy, she was too tall for a size 8 but too slender for a size 10!) 
Below, Wendy wearing her Mimi's girlhood dress, yes, worn by my mom! 
My nieces have had their pics taken in it as well, and it's fun to see how it fits each girl uniquely.  And oh, how fashions have changed, along with the world. 
I thought to myself, "Time flies," after seeing my firstborn off to her first day of the school year, but I wonder how those two words resonate with my mom, who gazes at her granddaughters wearing her dress from an era past, an era remembered and an era we all idealize. 

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